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Robotics researchers at the University of Zurich show how onboard cameras can be used to keep damaged quadcopters in the air and flying stably—even without GPS. Robotics Jan 13, 2021. Jan 16, 2021 The Seattle Robotics Society does not profit from any vendor's products or services that may appear on this website. Permissible use of the website includes viewing content, downloading information for personal use, linking, etc. But reuse of content for any other purpose requires the written permssion of the content owner. IoRT is the most demanding framework where intelligent devices can acquire sensor data from patients and process to a cloud server in an intelligent way in terms of proper decision-making unit.

NASA Office of Education

Visit the NASA Education website. You'll discover a wealth of information including a list of current opportunities; education related feature stories; and contact information for project representatives.
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Robotic Exploration Rover

Test your programming skills and move the robot around the obstacles. Image Credit: NASA NASA tests robots for exploration in areas called analogs. Analogs are places where the environment is similar to locations like Mars or the moon, where a robot may be used. One NASA analog is in the Arizona desert. NASA robotics experts conduct field tests in the desert to assess new ideas for rovers, spacewalks and ground support. Some of these tests are conducted by a team called Desert RATS, which stands for Desert Research And Technology Studies.
What is it like to be part of a team that designs and tests robots? Find out and test your programming skills with 'ROVER'. Guide the robot over an analog of 12 terrain grids without consuming all of his battery power. Watch out for obstacles!
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› Play text game

Mars Curiosity Rover

The Curiosity rover will spend two years looking for signs of life on the Red Planet. Image Credit: NASACuriosity is not your ordinary rover. It's bigger than a small car. The rover comes equipped 'standard' with six-wheel rocker-bogie suspension and multiple camera systems, and its power supply doesn't rely on solar panels. Curiosity uses a radioisotope power generator so that it can roam longer and farther, traveling to more interesting places than previous missions. It has an expansive suite of science instruments named Sample Analysis at Mars, designed to analyze samples of material collected and delivered by the rover's arm.
› Mars Exploration Program →
› NASA Mars Missions
› Sample Analysis at MARS (SAM) →
› William Shatner and the Grand Entrance Video
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Video Gallery

Robotics on the International
Space Station
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Lunabotics 2012
› View this Video

Welcome Educators

Robotics Connections

Robotics Alliance Project →

FIRST Robotics Competition

Spotlight Features

What Is Robotics?
› Students K-4
› Students 5-8

Robotics engineer

What Is Robonaut?
› Students K-4
› Students 5-8

Do-It-Yourself Podcast

NASA's Digital Learning Network

The DLN offers robotics modules through its free webcasts.

› Mapping the Moon With WALL-E (K-8)
› Introduction to Robotics in the Classroom (5-8)
› Mission to Mars Expedition (5-12)
› Spacebots (K-12)

Follow NASA Robotics Missions

› Aura
› Aqua
› Canadarm2 and the Mobile Servicing System
› Cassini
› Desert RATS
› Global Hawk
› Hubble Space Telescope
› Ikhana
› Kepler
› Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
› Mars Science Laboratory
› Space Exploration Vehicle
› X-48 Aircraft

Join us March 22-26 for this FREE virtual event featuring 80+ speakers and learn how automation will help you move forward!


Robotic Sanding Made Easy

The Compliant Orbital Sander is the ideal solution for robotic surface treatment.

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ResinDek® with TriGard®

Are worn or uneven flooring surfaces disrupting or slowing down your AMRs or AGVs? Are cracks or spalling in the concrete causing wear and tear on the robot's wheels and hardware?

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AZ Series Compact Driver

This compact driver is controlled using RS-485 input and daisy chained for design, space and installation efficiency. It is designed to be close to the motor, making it ideal for robotic applications

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  • Three Ways To Achieve Social Distancing Compliance Using Robots and AI
    Manufacturers, fulfilment centers and logistics companies are facing a triple whammy of challenges as a result of COVID-19.
  • Industry Trends and Market Potential – What's Next?
    As 2020 comes to a close, industry analysts make predictions for the future of robotics and automation.
  • Pharma Automation & Covid-19: Robots for Demanding Times
    What effect has Covid-19 had on demand for automation in the pharmaceutical sector? Which robots are the big winners?
  • Deep Dive: Robotics in Oil & Gas, Improve Safety and Productivity
    From underwater, aerial and snake bots, to robotic processes for oilfield equipment, robots protect workers and improve efficiencies.
  • With Robots, Additive Manufacturers Create Larger Parts and Add Precision
    Robots increasingly facilitate additive manufacturing, enabling efficiency, precision, and the size of created parts. In this growing field, both long-time...
See All Industry Insights

Robotics Engineer Salary


  • How RIA Is Helping Members During this Crisis
    During this time when in-person meetings are being canceled, your digital presence is so important...
  • RoboDK Unveils TwinTrack: A Tool For Simple Handheld Robot Programming
    RoboDK Unveils TwinTrack: A Tool For Simple Handheld Robot Programming
  • The Business Case for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Manufacturing
    First deployment of OTTO AMRs at scale at an F500 company demonstrates clear benefits in productivity, cost savings, and robustness.
  • Weekly Bot Brief Newsletter on Robotics 1/15/2021
    Despite a relatively fragile market last week as reflected by the S & P 500's 1.47% decline, the Bot Index...
  • Two Vice Presidents Announced from the Association for Advancing Automation
    James Hamilton and Robert Huschka promoted to VP of Sales; VP of Educational Strategies respectively

American Robotics

See All News

What Is Robonaut?
› Students K-4
› Students 5-8

Do-It-Yourself Podcast

NASA's Digital Learning Network

The DLN offers robotics modules through its free webcasts.

› Mapping the Moon With WALL-E (K-8)
› Introduction to Robotics in the Classroom (5-8)
› Mission to Mars Expedition (5-12)
› Spacebots (K-12)

Follow NASA Robotics Missions

› Aura
› Aqua
› Canadarm2 and the Mobile Servicing System
› Cassini
› Desert RATS
› Global Hawk
› Hubble Space Telescope
› Ikhana
› Kepler
› Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
› Mars Science Laboratory
› Space Exploration Vehicle
› X-48 Aircraft

Join us March 22-26 for this FREE virtual event featuring 80+ speakers and learn how automation will help you move forward!


Robotic Sanding Made Easy

The Compliant Orbital Sander is the ideal solution for robotic surface treatment.

Learn More

ResinDek® with TriGard®

Are worn or uneven flooring surfaces disrupting or slowing down your AMRs or AGVs? Are cracks or spalling in the concrete causing wear and tear on the robot's wheels and hardware?

Learn More

AZ Series Compact Driver

This compact driver is controlled using RS-485 input and daisy chained for design, space and installation efficiency. It is designed to be close to the motor, making it ideal for robotic applications

Learn More


  • Three Ways To Achieve Social Distancing Compliance Using Robots and AI
    Manufacturers, fulfilment centers and logistics companies are facing a triple whammy of challenges as a result of COVID-19.
  • Industry Trends and Market Potential – What's Next?
    As 2020 comes to a close, industry analysts make predictions for the future of robotics and automation.
  • Pharma Automation & Covid-19: Robots for Demanding Times
    What effect has Covid-19 had on demand for automation in the pharmaceutical sector? Which robots are the big winners?
  • Deep Dive: Robotics in Oil & Gas, Improve Safety and Productivity
    From underwater, aerial and snake bots, to robotic processes for oilfield equipment, robots protect workers and improve efficiencies.
  • With Robots, Additive Manufacturers Create Larger Parts and Add Precision
    Robots increasingly facilitate additive manufacturing, enabling efficiency, precision, and the size of created parts. In this growing field, both long-time...
See All Industry Insights

Robotics Engineer Salary


  • How RIA Is Helping Members During this Crisis
    During this time when in-person meetings are being canceled, your digital presence is so important...
  • RoboDK Unveils TwinTrack: A Tool For Simple Handheld Robot Programming
    RoboDK Unveils TwinTrack: A Tool For Simple Handheld Robot Programming
  • The Business Case for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Manufacturing
    First deployment of OTTO AMRs at scale at an F500 company demonstrates clear benefits in productivity, cost savings, and robustness.
  • Weekly Bot Brief Newsletter on Robotics 1/15/2021
    Despite a relatively fragile market last week as reflected by the S & P 500's 1.47% decline, the Bot Index...
  • Two Vice Presidents Announced from the Association for Advancing Automation
    James Hamilton and Robert Huschka promoted to VP of Sales; VP of Educational Strategies respectively

American Robotics

See All News


  • Robots Aren't Taking Jobs: Uncovering the Real Crisis in Manufacturing
    This paper will discuss how automation creates jobs, and bust the myths on the use of robots in manufacturing.
  • Artificial Intelligence & Automation
    Now available - Leveraging The Power of AI: Your Resource Guide
  • Robot Safety & Risk Assessment Training
    The benefits of Robot Safety Training are numerous, providing benefits for the employer and most especially the employee - the person most at risk. Make sure that all your technicians are safety trained.
  • Collaborative Robots White Paper: FREE Download
    The field of collaborative robots is currently the hottest area of interest within the robotics industry, and with good reason.
  • ARCHIVED WEBINARS: Catch up on our offerings on your schedule
    It's never too late to watch a Robotics Webinar hosted by RIA. Watch from anywhere to take advantage of the free access to all of our archived webinars!

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